WGAY Gesucht

Either — Or: 15 Questions with Frau und Frau W

Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2018


Frau und Frau W are two loving women from Berlin who raise a son and answer questions about their family constellation on their YouTube channel. Anja and Nicole like to share experiences, remove stereotypes and give private insights into their lives as mom and mum.

Instead of a classic interview, we asked the two women 15 either-or questions that they sympathetically answered very honestly:

Call or WhatsApp?

Since we both talk so much in our job — WhatsApp!

Public transport or car?

Car because we can turn up the music as loud as we want to.

Hamburger or salad?

We looooooove Hamburger !! Beside that we try to eat a balanced diet, which means a bit of everything.

Dog or cat?

.Anja had a dog for a long time. Lea, an incredibly loyal soul. Unfortunately, she died a few years ago. But should we decide at some point in our lives to move to the countryside, then definitely a dog.

Monogamy or Polyamory?

Moooooooonnnnnooooooooooooo- we have decided to stay together until the age of 96!

TV program or board games?

Neither, because there’s no bigger board game hater than Nicole and on top she’s working on TV, laugher !!

Sparkling wine or beer?

Sparkling wine for Nicole, for Anja it’s Becks.

Package holidays or backpacking?

Even though we could NEVER imagine this: Since we are parents the only way is all-inclusive vacation — there is nothing better than to be served when you are with your child.

Jeans or dress?

Leggings!!! :):):) otherwise we also like to wear a pair of jeans.

Cooking at home or ordering pizza?

If Anja has no time to cook — Foodora :) :) But if there’s time she is the best chef in the world !!

Chaos or order?

Anja is the creative mess, Nicole more the order-loving person.

Early bird or grumpy in the morning?

Anja is more grumpy in the morning, Nicole is the early bird.

Social media or print media?

Not just job-related: Social media

Drug friendly or anti-drugs?

Drug friendly — but all in moderation.

Couch potato or sport freak?

Good that you remind us — we should do sport again!!

More of this charming, colorful family can be found on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and on their personal blog.

